Dr. Andrew J. (AJ) Goldberg

Doctor Andrew J. (AJ) Goldberg has lived the chiropractic lifestyle since birth after being adjusted by his father in the first week of his life. He is a second-generation neurological chiropractor with a passion for helping others in their pursuit of health. While in chiropractic school, he learned how the structural correction of the spine has profound effects on the nervous system and overall health improvements. When he is not in the office, Dr. AJ enjoys cooking and being active and includes weight training, yoga, and hiking. Dr AJ has a certificate in Extremity-Adjusting and regularly continues to educate himself on the latest techniques. He received his undergraduate degree at North Shore Community College and Doctorate of Chiropractic at Southern California University of Health Sciences.

Nicole Beliveau
Front Desk CA / Rehab Tech

Ceejay Avon-Ratts
Rehab Tech CA

Lynne Pina
Front Desk CA

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