Chiropractic care has been proven to be a safe and effective course of care while pregnant and during postpartum recovery to help maintain a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
In our office, we use safe and gentle techniques to provide chiropractic care to expectant mothers to reduce common complaints such as low back pain, controlling symptoms of nausea, prevention of need for potential Cesarean section, reduced time of labor and delivery, as well as keeping the pelvis in the most beneficial position for optimal baby position.
Studies have shown that expectant mothers who receive chiropractic through the course of their pregnancy can expect a significantly reduced labor time.
Moms understand that our approach to chiropractic is a lifestyle choice for people that want to have a fulfilling, functional, and free experience of their bodies – with the confidence that they are doing what it takes to live that life!
Postpartum care is equally important. Chiropractic care during postpartum has been shown to increase milk production and reduce the likelihood of postpartum depression. Postpartum care can also reduce years of chronic low back pain with proper postpartum rehabilitation care.